Directions to Neuadd Cottages, Llangattock, Crickhowell, NP8 1LE
OS Grid Ref: SO 200 172
Best Directions are Google:
Beware the Postcode will send you to the wrong place.
The best thing is to use google maps. Search for "The Neuadd Llangattock" and we've set up google directions to bring you right up our driveway.
Here's a link:

Click below for
printable directions
Taking the Mountain Road
If you can afford an extra 13 minutes to your journey then you can include the B4560 for some outstanding views.
The B4560 is ranked by National Geographic as in the Best 10 Drivers Drives in the World. (That might be over stating things, but it is pretty special).
Put Garnlydan into your directions and then The Neuadd Cottages. This will bring you up the new Clydach Gorge road and feed you over Llangattock Mountain rather than the direct route from Gilwern to Llangattock

​Written Directions
If you prefer written directions :
From the Severn Bridge: M4, come off the M4 at junction 24 and follow the A449 to Raglan.
​At Raglan join the A40 towards Abergavenny. From the roundabout outside Abergavenny take the A465 towards Merthyr Tydfil.
​Turn right at the next roundabout towards Gilwern, Crickhowell and Brecon. Travel through Gilwern and turn right at the signpost for Crickhowell and Brecon onto the A4077.
Travel along this road for about 1.5 miles. Look for sign showing left hand turn to Llangattock village. Turn left into Llangattock village by the Vine Tree pub. Follow directions from Llangattock village below.
From Crickhowell: Leave town heading towards Brecon. Turn left at the Petrol station. Sign posted to Llangattock.
Follow the hill down to the traffic lights. Go across the bridge and turn left.
Then filter first right sign posted to Llangattock (by the Vine Tree pub).
Follow the directions from Llangattock village below.
From Llangattock Village, Time to focus on the detail ! :-)
Drive up through the village and past the Horsehoe pub on your right.
Head straight on and go through the narrowed road section.
Continue until you see a Chapel on the right (if you go over the canal you have gone too far)
Turn right in front of the Chapel, sign posted Beaufort 7 miles.
Continue over the canal bridge and look for our swinging sign by our entrance on the left.
Follow the private lane and enter the parking area by the large barn.
Walk past the big oak tree in the car park (estimated to be over 400 years old) and around
the end of the barn to the courtyard.
Soak up that view!
Public Transport
The nearest railway station is Abergavenny (2 hours 30mins to London or Manchester)
Local buses serve Llangattock, Crickhowell Talybont, Brecon and Abergavenny.
Taxis and bike hire are available locally.